Yet another beautiful New England spring day with a strong wind from the west shifting to southwest. The waves added some complexity to the course.The conditions attracted 11 members to the cove and there were 9 boats in the water at the start of today’s event but Manny decided not to race this morning and Albert used the time to practice. Pat brought his boat, but didn’t race so that left seven to do battle. It was good to see Dick Mahoney back racing and today marked the return of a recovering Wilkie and Jim Kelly to the cove. Great to see you both. Jim kept score and offered miscellaneous advice. Many thanks, Jim. Judy David came along to support Bill and brought their son, Ken. Welcome!The start line was in it’s more or less usual position and from there the course headed south to take the green mark to port then headed north to take the red mark to starboard and back to the line.We held six races and had three different winners: Rich Field won three and was the clear winner overall. Paul won two and was the runner-up. Rob won one.In third place today there was a tie between Bill D and Kim, but Bill gets it on places. Rob was fifth just one point behind Bill and Kim. That was my fault as Rob didn’t compete in the final race because he was in the rowboat rescuing my boat which had lost all controls. Sorry, Rob, but thanks for the rescue, Dick wasn’t on his usual form and finished sixth. By process of elimination, I must have been seventh. Oh well.Thanks to Rob and Jim for troubleshooting my boat’s problem. It appears that I might need a new receiver……that’s my next job.The full results are shown on our website
The next DF95 excursion will be on Thursday, June 3rd at 11.00when the tide will be coming in from a low at 09.40But before then, next Tuesday, June 1st it will be the turn of the Soling fleet when the tide will becoming in with a high at 14.11 “Errors and omissions” seems to be a regular feature now! In the “Wooden Boat” email I listed Paula’s town as Mansfield. It is, in fact, Marshfield MA. Apologies.In other news, I had a visit from Jim Linville of the Minuteman club to look at Solings for sale, so Rob made a double journey to bring over number 94. Dave Cochran’s former boat and this was the one chosen. So, another $300 for our (or is it Kim’s) treasure chest.Stay safe and well and have a great weekend,Derek
Month: May 2021
Soling Series #3
It was “you know what” this morning, but a trifle on the chilly side with a strong southwest wind. There were only 5 Solings in the water this morning and Manny and I kept score and started the seven races. Pat Donovan joined us and enjoyed a pleasant time with the five racing aces. We used our traditional starting line and the course headed south to round the red mark and green offset to port then downwind to the red mark with the line open. A port rounding of the red and back to the line. For the seventh and last race, the same course was run twice around. We had four different winners today: Paul Mercer won 3, Danny McHugh won 2 and Bill Raposa and Kim Hanna won one each.Very unusually, Bill David didn’t win a race today. That’s more than unusual. It’s unprecedented! The full results are posted on our website and they reveal that Paul was the overall winner with Danny second. The next three were separated by just one point: Bill R, Bill D and Kim.Well sailed everyone. Lots of fun and a good friendly time.The fun continues on Thursday, May 27th when it’s the turn of the DF95 fleet starting at 11.00 when the tide will be going out from a high at 09.30.Solings resume battle next Tuesday, June 1st at 11.00 when the tide will be coming in heading for a high at 2.11 pmIn the “Errors and Ommissions” section today, I have to apologize for entering the name of Bill D’s wife wrongly in the last write-up. It is, of course, Judy……and I knew that.Wilkie is home from the hospital and all went well. Good news. Well done, Wilkie.Stay safe and well,Derek
All the news on Don’t forget to visit.
DF95 Series #2 May 20, 2021
I’ll never get tired of saying this. It was yet another beautiful New England Spring morning and today there was a wind from the west and then the northwest and then from the southwest which made competitive sailing possible and enjoyable.There were quite a few spectators today including a number of members without their boats. These included Bill David’s wife Linda, Shelly and Bill Northup, Pat Donovan, Bill Raposa and we were pleased to see Will Plante with his son, Steve. I kept score for the seven races held today. Albert Meyer brought his new DF95 and practiced, but didn’t race.Race winners today were Rob Hill with three, Bill David with two, and Paul Mercer and Kim Hanna with one each. Rich Field did well with three second places and one third and Manny did well for his first race this year. The full results will be on our website at Well done to all.Another relaxed, friendly morning at the cove that resulted in first place for Rob, with Paul in second place. Just one point behind was Rich and just one more point down was Bill D. Really close racing! We heard that Wilkie’s procedure went to plan and he will spend the next few days recovering and getting back his fighting fitness. Well done, Wilkie.
Ed Haddad has made a very generous gift of all his spare boat parts so, together with the parts donated by Dick Priestley, we should be able to keep our elegant Soling fleet going for a while. The next DF95 race day is Thursday, May 27th at 11.00 when the tide will be going out from a high at 09.30.
But on Tuesday before then, May 25th it’s the return of the Soling fleet with the tide going out to a low at 12.48.
All the latest news on our website mhbmyc.orgStay safe and well,Derek
Soling Series #2
Yet another beautiful New England Spring morning although the wind was very light when we started. As the morning wore on, the wind gained power and, by the time we had finished the seven races, it was near perfect. We had eight members at the cove today. Bill D., Kim, Paul, Danny, Pat, Bill R., and I had boats and Manny scored for us once again. Many thanks, Manny.Bill R went out in the first race with a rudder problem not to return (at least not today)We had three different winners today. Bill David won four races and was first overall. Paul won two races and came second overall and Kim won one and finished third today. Well done all.Danny was fourth and Pat and I had some problems. Pat had used his rudder to harvest some seaweed and I suffered from a local flash flood (in the boat).
Paul documented the scores using the AFleet software and they can be found on our website at mhbmyc.orgIt was a very pleasant relaxed morning. Bill David suggested that we race for a little longer, maybe 10 races with two throwouts in the future so I guess we’ll give that a try at some point.
The next Soling race day is Tuesday, May 25th at 11.00 when the tide will be going out with a low at 12.48.
But before then, next Thursday, May 20th at 11.00 we have Day 1 of DF95 racing when the tide will be coming in with a high at 3.30 pmDon’t forget to visit for the latest information.Stay safe and well and poised for fun,Derek
DF95 Series #1
Another beautiful New England Spring morning, the only drawback being the very light wind.Rob got started at 10.00 with an entertaining and informative whiteboard presentation on the rules concerning Windward/Leeward and Overlap. Attending were Bill D, Bill R, Bruce, Danny, Kim, Manny, Paul, Wilkie and me. Rob introduced a friend of his, Sam Morgan who had travelled from Holden, MA to race with us (Sail number 73). Rob fielded a number of questions and was thanked by all.Just after 11.00, there was just enough wind to move the boats. Wilkie and Manny decided not to race and Danny borrowed my boat so he could savor the joys of racing a DF95. Also in the water were Bill D, Rob, Kim, Paul, and Sam. In view of the low wind, we decided not to score races today. We did, in fact, race five times and I did note the winners. They were Sam, Kim, Paul, Rob, and Paul again. Well done to all of you. We had another visitor, Cam Church, a friend of Pat Donovan, who was also with us on Tuesday. It was good to see Ned Popovic and Dick Mahoney pay us a visit too.
The next DF95 race day is Thursday, May 20th at 11.00 when the tide will be coming in with a high at 3.30 pm.
But, before that, we will try to race the Solings again at 11.00 on May 18th when the tide will be coming in with a high at 1.43 pmAll the latest information can be found on our website at
Take care, stay safe and have fun,Derek
Opening Day at the Cove
A beautiful spring morning to get our Soling race series going. 7 members were tempted to go to the cove today with only 5 racing boats. Manny managed the scoring and Rob adjusted the marks.As things turned out we only managed two races in what was one of the highest wind conditions we’ve seen at the cove. In the first race, Bill David came first with Paul second and Danny third (Welcome back, Danny). Kim was fourth and I was in full control of the rear.In the second race, Paul was first with Bill D second and I was third. Kim and Danny both registered DNFs and my sail servo failed after I crossed the line. Many personal thanks to Bill David who waded out to retrieve my boat and to Bill and Manny who helped in all sorts of ways.That was the end of racing for the day, the conditions winning out.Now we must put our damaged boats back together ready for the next Soling race day on May 18 at 11.00 when the tide will be coming in with a high at 1.43 pm.But before that, we have our first DF95 race day next Thursday, May 13 with Rob’s clinic at 10.00and racing at 11.00.
Don’t forget to visit for all the latest news.Stay safe,Derek
Racing marks are in!
MHBMYC Kick off meeting: Key Points
Thanks to the 15 members who attended yesterday’s Zoom meeting: Albert, Bill D, Bill R, Dan, Dick M, Jim P, Kim, Manny, Ned, Nick, Paul, Rob, Wilkie, Will, and me.
Derek reported that the club now has 3 Solings for sale generously donated by David Cochran, Ned Popovic, and Dick Priestley. Rob recommended we shave the price to $300. Agreed.Rob also says he has a Soling Kit ready to be built for sale.Rob reported that there are now two suppliers of the new Soling design and Paul said that he had taken delivery of the kit made by Vac-u-Boat.We have some new buoys with marking tape and quarter-inch line. Rob thinks we will need thicker line and volunteered to obtain it. We also need some anti-fouling buckets to use with the new buoys and Bill R offered to get them.Kim gave the Treasurer’s report and stated that last year we had cash and income of $1,393.97 of which we spent $722.87 on the storage box, the website re-do and awards leaving us with $671.10 at the start of this year. So far this year we have spent $114.95 on the new buoys which means we currently have $556.27.
There were no comments on the race schedule except that the planned start date of next Tuesday might be a little chilly in the water. Rob said he had bought some hip waders from Amazon. They are called Tidewe Hip Waders and cost $36. He ordered the same as his shoe size. ( After the meeting, Rob sent me this detail)We had a discussion on membership fees with the end result that fees won’t change. Renewal at $25 is NOW DUE and a form is attached. It was also agreed that the initial joining fee would remain at $25, but it would be for life.Bill R gave the Soling Fleet Captain’s report and stated that Dick Priestley had donated a large variety of Soling spares to the club as well as his boat. Jim P gave the DF95 Fleet Captain’s report with the urgent message that members should order critical spares now as there is a supply issue and US stocks are fast depleting. Rob undertook to order some critical spares on behalf of the club. Jim mentioned rudder servos at $39 are often needed, but Rob mentioned that he had switched to a Hi-Tec servo which is the same size. Rob also mentioned a problem with DF95 sail servos apparently designed to operate at 5 volts.Paul reminded everybody that all the latest information is posted on the website mhbmyc.orgHe said that there are now 20 members of our Facebook page.Rob took the lead in our discussion about getting prepared for the coming season. We agreed to meet at the waterfront at 08.30 on Friday (May 7) with the “heavy lifting” team led by Bill R dealing with getting the storage box and rescue dinghy to the shore and Rob taking charge of buoy preparation and installation.Under the banner of “Any other business”, Rob stated that this was a very friendly club with fun being the first item on our agenda and therefore members shouldn’t be intimidated by the complex racing rules but should rather concentrate on the “Big Four” rules: Port/Starboard, Windward/Leeward, Overlap, and Starting Line. We should teach these rules as a means of positively improving our tactics and execution. I heard no dissenting voices!We briefly discussed adding new members and it was suggested that I try to get an email to all the condo residents about our schedule. I will.Outside the Village, curious googlers looking for model boats in Rhode Island will probably end up at our website and we thanked Paul for all the work he does in keeping it up to date.As we start our season next Tuesday, the question was asked about masks. We agreed that those vaccinated won’t have to wear a mask unless asked by someone to please wear one. So please bring a mask. just in caseSee some of you Friday,See more of you Tuesday and even more Thursday,.Derek