Solings 9/5/23, Regatta and Banquet News

The heavy mist of dawn eventually gave way to a brighter morning with temperature in the low eighties, quite humid with a very weak breeze from the north, once again. Four members made the trip to the cove in the hope that the wind would strengthen but it was in vain,

So Bill R, Kim, Jim K and I told war stories and fishin’ tales and called it a day

No results can be found on our website today but lots of other stuff can!

The next event is the DF95 Regatta, next Thursday, September 7th at 11.00. There will be a minimum of six races before lunch and another minimum of six races after lunch. Bring your own lunch and drinks and a chair. The tide will be coming in towards a high at around 3 pm and, at present, the forecast is for mid-eighties, humid, and a light breeze from the southwest.

The next Soling event is in a week’s time, Tuesday, September 12th, the day we will hold the Soling Regatta when the tide will reach a low at around noon. same format as for the DF95s.

The annual Awards Banquet will take place on Sunday, September 17th at 6 pm in the Great Room at the Village Clubhouse. I’ll send out more details very soon. As it’s a “pot luck” event please give some thought as to what you’ll bring. Beer, wine, water, and soft drinks will be provided by the club.  Spouses, significant others, and family members are all invited.

See you Thursday for the DF95 Regatta,
