DF95 Racing 8/31/23

It was decidedly cooler today but with lower humidity and a very strong breeze from the north. The tide was mid-way, going out and Paul described the waves as “potent”. Nevertheless, eight sailors brought their boats to race today and another eight decided that conditions were too difficult. 

Judy kept score once again for which we thank her. Connie and Shelley were there to cheer on Al and Bill N.

There was a lot of debate this morning about whether we should race. The wind was strong, but the waves were the main subject of the discussion. We decided to wait and, finally, Bill David and Nick put their boats in the water to see how things were. They were OK, Nick with an “A” rig and Bill with a “B”. The general thought was that you need a B rig for the wind but an A rig to power through the waves.

Eventually, Rob called for a show of hands of who wanted to race and those brave or reckless sailors put their boats in the water.

Rob didn’t race today but he set the course: The line was the orange and red marks, upwind to the blue, port rounding, downwind to the orange/red gate, back to blue, and finish downwind.

Despite the weather conditions and the challenge of the course, we managed to run nine races with very little incident. We welcomed guest sailor, Greg LaPlante who has raced with us in the past.

Nick won the first race and was second in the second race, but then, in the third race his transmitter had only intermittent contact with his receiver and that was the end of his racing today.

Henry DiPietro won the second race and proceeded to win five more to easily become today’s champion. The only other winners today were Greg and Al Sampson who also had two seconds and two thirds to finish second overall today. Kim also had two second places and two thirds, enough for a third place this morning. Greg finished fourth just one point behind Kim.

Paul, who had initially decided not to race, couldn’t resist joining the fray and raced from the second race onward. Bill David had fitted his B rig at the last minute and it really didn’t work out for him today. Bill Northup had a series of issues and only managed to complete three races today.

Well done everybody!

And Bon Voyage to today’s winner, Henry who’s off to Spain to sail around Majorca in a real boat.

 The full results can be found on the club website mhbmyc.org

Solings try again next Tuesday, September 5thwhen the tide will be coming in towards a high at just after 1.00 pm

Next Thursday, September 7th is the day of the DF95 Regatta. Please bring your lunch,  something to drink and a chair. The tide will be mid-way coming in to a high at around 3 o’clock. Prepare for fun.

Time to rid the boats of gremlins and have a relaxing weekend.

Happy Labor Day.


Soling Racing 8/29/23

t was dry but humid and murky this morning at the cove. But, with a gentle breeze, it was OK for racing or so we thought. What little breeze there was soon vanished and the usual three of us chatted and waited and finally abandoned all hope of racing today.

The forecast for Thursday is much better: Cooler, much less humid, and an eleven mph wind from the north.

The next chance for Solings is a week away on Tuesday, September 5th when the tide will be coming in to a high at 1.10 pm.

Before then this Thursday, August 31st, will see DF95s race again when the tide will be going out to a low at around 2 o’clock. that’s one week before the DF95 Regatta.

See you Thursday,


DF95 Series #15

Another beautiful morning with temperatures in the low seventies, tolerable humidity, and a gentle but strengthening breeze from the south tempted nine members to bring their boats to the cove. We missed regulars, Paul, David, and Rich. Wilkie had left his boat at home needing repair while Charlotte’s boat wouldn’t work as she would like so two more racers didn’t race. This just left the “Magnificent Seven” with boats in the water. Judy looked after the starting and scoring assisted by Connie. Thank you very much.

The course was from the red and pin start line, head upwind to the orange striped mark, then downwind to the blue mark, and back to the line with all marks taken to port.

During the first three races, we had a pleasant diversion as Bill’s and Judy’s real boat put in an appearance captained by their son who saw some very close racing, but no victory for Dad, unfortunately.

The course was changed for the fourth race to twice around and then modified to one-and-a-half time around with a downwind finish for the final four races. That made eight races in all, in case you lost count.

There were only two race winners today, Henry DiPietro who won five, and Nick who won the other three. Henry also had two seconds and was today’s overall winner. Nick had three thirds to go with his wins and finished today in second place.

 Bill had two second places and five third places to take third overall today while Kim was a close fourth with four second places. 

Al Sampson is starting a seaweed collection with his keel and that slowed him down a bit but he still managed fifth place.

Strangest of all, in the sixth race Nick’s and Albert’s boats got entangled out by the moorings and a paddleboarder who was on the beach paddled out and got the boats untangled. So good of him. Thank you unknown paddleboarder. Can you come back next week?

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

Solings race next Tuesday, August 29thwhen the tide will be heading for a low at 12.22

The DF95 saga will continue in a week’s time, on Thursday, August 31st when the tide will be heading toward a low at 2.17 pm. That’s just a week before the DF95 Regatta.

Reminder: The Awards Pot Luck Banquet will be on Sunday, September 17th at 6 pm in the Village Great Room so get thinking of what you might bring. The Club will provide Beer and Wine.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Solings Today 8/22/23

Mid-seventies temperature with low humidity and a strong breeze brought five members with their boats to the cove this morning. Bill Raposa had another appointment so, unusually, couldn’t be there. Kim, Pat, Jim K, and I were joined by Sam Morgan for his first Soling outing this season.

The strong wind was from the north so we set off from the red and pin start to the blue then downwind to the orange, back to the blue, and back to the line. All marks were taken to port.

The first race ended with Sam, Kim, Jim, and me in that order with  Pat’s boat drifting out of control. It eventually came to shore but didn’t race again. 

The second race was another win for Sam with Jim second and Kim third. My boat had intermittent control problems and like Pat’s didn’t race again. Before we could start the next race, Jim also lost control and Pat had to rescue the boat from the rocks so now we just had two boats left.

We then enjoyed four match races between Kim and Sam, with Sam the victor in three and Kim winning the final race of the day. No scores today, but still lots of fun, and Sam was certainly today’s Champion.

The next series of races is for DF95s on Thursday, August 24th when the tide will be coming in towards a high at 2.22 pm

Any advance on five for the next Soling race day? That will be next Tuesday, August 29th when the tide will be going out to a low at 12.22 pm.

Time to get all our electrical contacts actually making contact!

All the news is on our website mhbmyc.org

The weather is looking good for Thursday so see you there.


Annual Regattas

The DF95 Regatta will be held on Thursday, September 7th at 11.00

The Soling Regatta will be held on Tuesday, September 12th at 11.00

As is usual we will welcome entries from other clubs and there is no entry fee.

Be at the cove by 10.45 and bring your own lunch and a chair.

We will hold a minimum of 6 races before lunch and a minimum of 6 races after lunch finishing the event by 3.30. Low point scoring with one throwout for every 6 races run. Results will be available soon after the end of the last race.

Be ready for some competitive fun!


MHBMYC Club Meeting 8/17/23

There were 21 members attending: Bruce Collemer, Bill David, Pat Donovan, Rich Field, Jim Fuller, Ed Haddad, Kim Hanna, Rob Hill, Jim Kelly, Dick Mahoney, Wilkie Marvel, Derek Melven, Paul Mercer, Albert Meyer, Sam Morgan, Nick Bailey, Bill Northup, Shelley Northup, Bill Raposa, Al Sampson, and David Vigeant. 

Our guests were Judy David and Connie Sampson.

Apologies for absence were received from Henty DeWolf, Henry DiPietro, John Perkins, and Charlotte Stone.

After lunch we opened the meeting by thanking Bill Raposa for arranging the room and helping bring the lunch goodies there, Kathy Melven for ordering and collecting the sandwiches, and donating the brownies, Marge Fuller for donating the cookies, Judy David for her super-scorekeeping and Connie Sampson for assisting in any way she can.

Kim gave the Treasurer’s report and said we had 20 paid-up members and funds of $3282. 23 before paying for the lunch.

No one seemed interested in replacing the existing officers who agreed to continue in their roles for another year. Rob agreed to resume the role of DF95 Fleet Captain with Paul willing to deputise in Rob’s absence. Paul has in fact done this very well this season. Thanks, Paul.

Bill Raposa appealed to Soling owners to turn up on race days, otherwise, the Soling fleet would just die out. He also suggested buying a depth finder at $60 to aid in setting marks

We discussed the various ideas that had been submitted for improving the club and spending some of our money. As we’d started discussing marks, Paul suggested we look at other ideas such as the swimming noodle rings used by the club in Carver. There was a general exchange of views on marker buoys so Wilkie was persuaded to co-ordinate all these ideas and come up with a proposal. Thank you, Wilkie. Paul raised the point that we should have more marks in the water so that we can vary the course depending on the conditions. We all agreed.

All ideas on the mark construction and deployment to Wilkie, please.

Paul also recommended that we investigate the use of a radio-controlled Buoybot so that we can easily adjust the start line from the shore. He undertook to make that investigation.

We discussed Regattas and suggested holding a DF95 regatta on a Thursday towards the end of the season with a Soling regatta the following Tuesday. It was left to me to pick dates.

Former member, Frank Calore of the Old Colony MYC, had proposed a joint event at his club for Solings, but they could only race on Thursdays. We can try to arrange a visit towards the end of the season. Paul said that other clubs such as Minuteman and Carver also race Solings.

Any other business.

Henry DeWolf had raised the question of more appropriate venues with better parking as our sailors age. We have conducted many searches in the past but we should be aware in our travels in the area to look out for other sites.

Nick Bailey had proposed tech sessions concerning maintenance and set-up before or after some races rather like Rob has held in the past. Rob said he would willingly run some more and Paul reminded everybody that there are some excellent videos on these subjects on YouTube.

Bill David proposed getting an electric outboard motor for the dinghy. That was thought a good idea and Bill offered to investigate and make a proposal.

On the subject of rescues, Rob suggested we bring in a requirement that every boat has a “failsafe”. easy enough if you have a SkyFly transmitter which most of us have. We agreed.

There was a question about AMYA insurance regarding coverage and cost. I will investigate.

There was a question about the date for the annual Awards Banquet. The answer is on our website, Sunday, September 17th in the Great Room at the Village clubhouse at 6 pm.

If I’ve forgotten anything, I apologize. Please let me know

The meeting was declared over.

These are the agreed assignments:

Wilkie:  Recommend buoys, type, construction, and deployment

Kim/Bill R.; Purchase depth finder.

Paul: Investigate the “Buoybot” and make a recommendation.

Bill David: investigate types of electric outboard motor and recommend one for purchase

Derek: Select Regatta dates, Contact Frank Calore regarding a possible visit, and investigate AMYA insurance.

Have a great weekend,


DF95 Racing 8/17/23

An overcast, humid morning with a light wind saw a record number of thirteen members bring their boats to the shore. It couldn’t be the weather, maybe it was the thought of lunch and the momentous decisions to be made at the club meeting. Bill Raposa paid us a visit before going off to prepare the room for our meeting, but, just maybe, he was also eyeing the competition as he has the DF95 that Dick Priestley gave him.

Judy, once again, did a fine job starting and keeping score and Connie is fast becoming our official photographer. Thank you both very much.

Paul set the course, upwind to the blue mark, downwind to the orange striped mark, and upwind to the finish with all marks taken to port. Later in the morning, there were variations including a reversal of the course.

We were pleased to welcome Rob Hill, Sam Morgan, and Bill and Shelly Northup for their first races of the season. Unfortunately, Shelly ran into a transmitter problem and couldn’t race. 

Jim Kelly had an elastic issue (you have to own a DF95 to know what this means) and Wilkie had an issue with the rudder so two stalwarts of the fleet didn’t race. This left eleven to race.

Jim’s talents weren’t wasted as he replaced the starter batteries between the first and second races. The batteries were supplied by Jim and Paul. Thanks, the club owes you.

The starting line was adjusted after the first race so I moved my chair in line, sat on it, sank into the very wet sand, and tipped over backward. Jim kindly helped me up. Thanks, Jim. 

There were seven races and Rob was back with his old skill intact. He won two races and finished second in four more to easily win overall today.

Other winners today were Nick with two and Bill David, Sam Morgan, and Paul Mercer with one each. 

Paul had two seconds and one third to end with second place today. 

In third place was Nick with a third place to add to his two wins.

 Kim finished fourth ahead of Sam in fifth.

The only non-finishers in races today were Albert Meyer who sat out race 4, Bill Northup who had an unwound sail drum winch and missed race 6, and finally Rich Field who had a recurrence of the rudder control problem that’s dogged him for the last few race days and this kept him out of race 7.

There was a lot of good friendly, competitive racing today and, I think, everybody had some fun.

The results were tabulated, winners announced, and off we all went to the meeting.

Notes from the meeting later.

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

Solings will try to beat the weather curse next Tuesday, August 22nd when the tide will be coming in with a high at 12.43

DF95s will race again on Thursday, August 24th when the tide will be coming in with a high at 2.22 pm

Until then, keep smiling, have fun, and enjoy the weekend,


Soling Racing. 8/15

The gloomy rainy morning transformed into just plain gloomy, but dry and with a nice breeze from the north, or so we thought. But ’twas not to be. We were struck by the Tuesday weather curse and got very wet at just about start time. Racing was abandoned and the usual three, Bill R, Kim, and me, went home to dry off.

All the news, but no results from today, can be found on our website mhbmyc.org

The next racing is in two days’ time, Thursday, August 17th for DF95s when the tide will be going out from a high at around 09.30.


Solings meet again next Tuesday, August 24th when the tide will be coming in to a high at 2.22 pm and we hope for better weather than today

Further details about the meeting will follow.

See many of you on Thursday,


DF95 Racing. 8/10/23

Eleven members brought their boats to the cove this morning taking advantage of a middling tide, ample beach. eighty-degree weather and a 7 mph breeze from the southwest. A friend of Nick’s, Bill Newbold also raced as a guest. Welcome, Bill. Wilkie had his grandson, Johnathan, with him and let him race in race six. Wilkie’s wife, Marilyn, arrived a little later.

Judy David looked after the starting and scoring and Connie Sampson assisted. Thank you very much. 

The course was the same as last week, upwind to the orange striped mark, downwind to the blue mark, upwind back to the orange striped mark, and back to the line. All the marks were taken to port. We held eight races with the last race adding a second trip to the blue mark and then upwind to the line.

The first race went smoothly, but in the second race, Rich brought his boat back as his transmitter showed his battery ar zero, volts that is, So Rich’s electrical problems continue. Our guest, Bill’s boat also seemed to lose contact and, in the fourth race was rescued by Nick and the boat was retired with the loss of rudder control. In race seven, Nick’s boat got tangled with Bill David’s boat. Eventually, they broke free and finished the race. In the final race, Bill was at it again and got tangled with Henry DeWolf’s boat. The boats had locked keels, a freak and unusual accident.

So who won today? Well, Henry DiPieto did by a wide margin after winning five races.

Paul Mercer came second with three second places and two thirds. 

In third place was Nick Bailey followed by Bill David and David Vigeant.

There was a lot of good close racing today in a friendly, cooperative atmosphere.

The full results can be found on our website mhbmyc.org

Let’s try and get a Soling fleet together next Tuesday, August 15th when the tide will be going out with a low at 1.13 pm.

Our large DF95 fleet will do battle once again next Thursday, August 17th when the tide will be going out from a high at around 09.30



Have a wonderful weekend,


DF95 Series #12. August 3, 2023

The great weather continued with temperatures in the mid-seventies, low humidity, and a nice 

breeze. Just the sort of day to get outside with a bunch of friends and engage in a little friendly competition. Ten members had the same thought and brought their boats down to the cove this morning. 

The wind was from the southwest so the course was south to the orange-striped mark taken to port, north to the blue mark also taken to port, back upwind to the orange-striped mark taken to port, and back to the line. There were eight races today.

Judy took care of the starting and scoring. Many thanks, Judy. Connie was also there to help and support Al.  Al’s friend, Ross, and Nick’s friend, Bill were also there. Welcome Ross and Bill.

Except for the display of some good close racing, the morning was largely uneventful.  Bill, Charlotte and Rich might not agree. Bill had some, probably connectivity, problems and retired after the second race. Charlotte had some battery and set-up issues and retired after the third race and Rich also ran into connectivity issues but only missed one race. Nick gave Charlotte some valuable set-up advice. Well done, Nick, truly in the spirit of the club.

Our overall winner today was Henry DiPietro who won 4 races and was third in two.

Nick and Paul won 1 race each, and both had the same points. Nick had 3 second places and 1 third. Paul had 2 second places and 3 third so Nick gets second place by virtue of more second place finishes.

The only other race winner was David with two, but that wasn’t quite enough to finish ahead of Rich who had 3 second places and 2 thirds.

Great fun and good enjoyable competition.

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

DF95s race again next Thursday, August 10th when the tide will be coming in with a high at around 4.30 pm.

Before then, on Tuesday, August 8th, it will be the turn of the Solings when the tide will be coming in with a high around 2.30 pm


Judy and Connie are invited, of course.  Please let me know if you have any special dietary requirements.

Stay safe, keep smiling, and have a wonderful weekend,
