DF95 Series #11

Having dodged the forecasted storms and settled for a cloudy morning and a brisk wind, 11 sailors were pleased to bring their boats to the cove this morning. Judy started the races and kept score. Thank you, once again, Judy.  Connie was there too to cheer on number 44 and potential new member, David Vigeant came along and sailed Jim Kelly’s boat for a while.  I’ll explain later.

With the wind from the south (more or less), the start line was east-west (more or less). Paul set the course: South to the red striped and orange marks, taken to starboard then downwind to the green mark taken to port, back to the orange mark taken to port, and downwind to the line, The wind was patchy and varied so it was quite a challenge today.

We held eight races today. Of the first 5 races, Rich won 3 and was second in two.  Off to a great start, but the gremlins struck and Rich was out for the last 3 races with battery/control issues but he still finished fourth overall.  In third place was Kim with 4 third places, but the real contest was between Bill D and Paul.

Paul was the winner with 3 wins, 3 seconds, and 1 third place. Bill had 2 wins, 2 seconds, and one third.

We had a large number of problems today with six of the original eleven out of the last race, but the most serious event was when Pat lost control of his boat and off it sailed to Common Fence point. pat also took off by car accompanied by “Hawkeye” Jim who handed his controller to David.

After the racing, we were discussing  Pat’s boat and wondering what had happened when we heard the unmistakable sound of a Fiat  Abarth and Pat’s return having found the boat. He even brought back Jim.  I hope Pat and Jim still had a good time today as well as the rest of us.

The full results and all the news are on our website mhbmyc.org

Owing to a family visit I won’t be able to sail on next week’s two occasions which are on Tuesday, August 2nd for Solings. High tide around noon.

And Thursday, August 4th for DF95s when the tide will be coming in to a high at 1.36 pm

Have a great weekend and lots of fun racing next week.


Soling 1 Meter Series #11

A welcome break in the humidity, low tide, a gentle breeze, and the prospect of a cookout generously organized by Soling Fleet Captain, Bill Raposa, tempted 8 members down to the cove this morning. Judy, once again, operated the starter and kept score. Many thanks, Judy.

We were pleased to welcome Rob Torresen, newly appointed  AMYA region 1 Director for DF65s as our guest.

With the wind from the west southwest, we had a start line vaguely parallel to the shore.  Bill Raposa set the course: South, around the orange mark, taken to starboard, downwind to the red striped mark also taken to starboard, and back to the line approached from the shore. There were six races but the final race was twice around, just to work up an appetite for Bill’s cookout.

The wind turned out to be quite tricky with highs and lows in patches.

Paul won the first race and also the last two. With 1 second place and 2 thirds, Paul was the clear winner today. Bill David was the second overall with 1 win, 2 seconds, and 1 third. I managed third place with 1 win, 1 second, and 1 third.

The only other race winner today was Danny who tied with Kim on 20 points but got fourth place by virtue of his race win. Bill Raposa was just 1 point behind Danny and Kim, but then, his mind was on hamburgers and hot dogs. Jim and Pat also had a good time. Lots of fun as always.

After racing, we all went to Bill’s cookout and enjoyed beer, water, hamburgers, and hot dogs, but, most of all, the great company made even better when Dick Mahoney and Ed Haddad joined us. 

Bill’s wife Pauline also joined us and we thanked them both very much.

A very enjoyable time.

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

DF95 racing resumes on Thursday, July 28th when the tide will be heading towards a low at 1.41 pm

Solings take to the water again next Tuesday, August 2nd when the high tide will be at noon.

Take care, and smile a lot.

DF95 Series #10

It was a very muggy morning at the cove but full of fun. Paul set the course with a vaguely east-west starting line. We used our normal southwest wind clockwise route. South to the red stripe and orange marks, both taken to starboard, then downwind to the northerly red stripe mark also taken to starboard and back to the line. We had eight races, the last one being twice around.

It was great to see the return of Dick Mahoney who came down to the cove to try a couple of races. We also welcomed David, a new resident of the Village who raced Jim Kelly’s boat for three or four races. Connie Sampson and a friend came along to cheer on boat 44.

I kept score and started the ten boats racing today.

Half the races were won by Paul who, with one second and one third did enough to win overall today. Second today with one win but 4 second places and 2 third places was Nick Bailey just 2 points behind Paul.

Other race winners today were Henry DiPietro and Bill David. Henry was third overall today and Bill was fifth. Splitting them was Rich Field. These three sailors were just one point apart.

Also joining in the fun were Kim, Jim, Albert,  Al,  Pat, and Dick. Well done everyone. Smiles all around.

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org as always

Solings take to the water next Tuesday, July 26th when the tide will be low, turning at 12.10

And the DF95s race again in a week’s time, Thursday, July 28th when the tide will be going out towards a low at 1.41 pm.

Have a great weekend and have fun,


Soling 1M Series #10

Yet another sunny, humid day at the cove with a brisk wind from the west saw 5 members bring their boats to the shore. Fleet Captain, Bill Raposa set the course: From the north/south line, head south to take the red striped and the orange mark to starboard, then north to the red striped mark also to starboard then back to the line. Thanks, once again, to Judy David for keeping score. I was there but didn’t race.

We had six races today, the first and last two being won by Bill David who was also first overall today. The only other winner was Kim who won the two middle races and had three second place finishes to end the morning in second place. Pat’s boat looked strong today and he was third overall with two second place finishes and one third,

Bill Raposa and Jim Kelly also raced but ran into occasional problems.

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

On Thursday, July 21st it’s the turn of the DF95s when the tide will be coming in to a high at  around 3.30 pm

The Solings race again next Tuesday, July 26th when the tide will be low, turning at 12.10

Stay happy. Stay cool,


DF95 Series #9

It was good to see Rob back at the cove following his adventures at racing events in Stowe, VT, and Chicago.  It was a hot and humid start to the morning with a moderate but strengthening wind from a southerly direction. Rob set the course: south from the line around the orange mark taken to starboard, downwind to the green mark also taken to starboard, then repeat, orange mark, green mark, and back to the line.  Six races were held and Connie Sampson came to our aid by starting the races and keeping score. Thank you very much, Connie.

Soling Fleet captain, Bill Raposa paid us a visit to see what the Thursday crowd gets up to. The “crowd” totaled eight members with boats and not a rescue in sight.

Paul won the first race and went on to win three more to be first overall today. The other two races were won by Rob and, with three second places, was second today.  

Rich Field had four third places and that was good enough to clinch third place. 

Also there to enjoy the fun were Bill David, Al Sampson, Albert Meyer, Pat Donovan and me.

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

The Solings race next Tuesday, July 19th when the tide will be coming in to a high at 1.44 pm.

And the DF95s will race again on Thursday, July 21st when the tide will be midway coming in towards a high at 3.31 pm

Have a great weekend and stay safe and well,


Soling 1M Series #9

Yet another beautiful sunny day and a brisk wind tempted eight members to bring their boats down to the cove this morning. There was plenty of beach as the tide was very low

We were also joined by Judy David once more to keep score. Thanks, Judy.

Before racing got going, Bill Raposa’s boat lost its backstay and my boat had a tangled jib sheet.  Bill rescued them both and everyone agreed that the wind was too damaging to continue so racing today was abandoned. 

No  results this week, but all the news may be found on our website mhbmyc.org

DF95s take their turn next Thursday, July 14th when the tide will be going out from a high at 09.12.

Solings hope for better weather conditions on Tuesday, July 19th with the tide coming in towards a high at 1.44 pm

Stay safe and well,


DF95 Series #8

It was another sunny morning with a gentle breeze that saw 6 members at the start line. With the wind from the SE the course was set: south from the start line, starboard around the red striped and the orange marks, then downwind north to take the red striped mark to starboard and back to the line.

The six racers rapidly shrunk to four as Paul and I had electrical/electronic problems and didn’t race.

We were thankful that, once again, Judy David kept score and started the races. There to assist were Connie Sampson and, later, Marilyn Marvel. Thank you all.  Pat Donovan also called in to say hello.

It was Henry DiPietro’s birthday today and he celebrated by winning two of the six races and his three second places meant that he took first place overall today.  Happy Birthday, Henry!

Henry won by only one point over Wilkie who won three races and was in the lead for the final race when he mysteriously slowed. The culprit was copious weed around the keel. The only other race winner today was Bill David who was third this morning and seemed to have some intermittent problems culminating in the only rescue of the day after the last race when Bill rowed out to get his boat.

Al Sampson with a second and a third place came in fourth.

The depleted attendance was probably because of all the other plans that members had this week. We always left the July 4th week off the calendar in the past. Do we need to reconsider the decision to put it back on?  But it was still fun!

I realized today that I was the only Village resident there.  Come on Village residents. See you Tuesday. 

All the results and all the news can be found on our website mhbmyc.org

The Solings take their turn next Tuesday, July 12thwhen the tide will be going out to a low at 12.23.

The next outing for DF95s is on Thursday, July 14thwhen the tide will be going out from a high at 09.12.

Time to get those boats fixed. Have a great weekend, take care and have fun,

Soling 1M Series #8

A rather dull start to the day, but a favorable wind saw seven members bring their boats down to the cove this morning. Once again Judy David kept score and started the races. Many thanks, Judy.

Bill Raposa set the course with some input from Bill David. South from the start line taking the striped red and the orange marks to starboard, then downwind to the northern red striped mark round to starboard, and back to the line. 

We had a total of six races and Bill David won them all except one when he finished second. In that race, the winner was Jim Kelly. Jim also finished second in two races and third in another to clinch second place overall. Paul Mercer had his new Vac-U-Boat today and finished third despite sitting out the second race with technical problems. Fresh back from his cruise, Danny McHugh finished fourth, just two points behind Paul. 

Bill R, Pat, and I were the other racers this morning.  Lots of fun, once again.

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org as always.

We’ll try again with DF95s next Thursday, July 7th when the tide will be coming in towards a high at just before three pm.

The next opportunity for the Solings will be next Tuesday, July 12th when the tide will be going out to a low at 12.23.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Fourth and I look forward to seeing a large group on Thursday.

Take care, smile, and have fun,