A welcome break in the humidity, low tide, a gentle breeze, and the prospect of a cookout generously organized by Soling Fleet Captain, Bill Raposa, tempted 8 members down to the cove this morning. Judy, once again, operated the starter and kept score. Many thanks, Judy.
We were pleased to welcome Rob Torresen, newly appointed AMYA region 1 Director for DF65s as our guest.
With the wind from the west southwest, we had a start line vaguely parallel to the shore. Bill Raposa set the course: South, around the orange mark, taken to starboard, downwind to the red striped mark also taken to starboard, and back to the line approached from the shore. There were six races but the final race was twice around, just to work up an appetite for Bill’s cookout.
The wind turned out to be quite tricky with highs and lows in patches.
Paul won the first race and also the last two. With 1 second place and 2 thirds, Paul was the clear winner today. Bill David was the second overall with 1 win, 2 seconds, and 1 third. I managed third place with 1 win, 1 second, and 1 third.
The only other race winner today was Danny who tied with Kim on 20 points but got fourth place by virtue of his race win. Bill Raposa was just 1 point behind Danny and Kim, but then, his mind was on hamburgers and hot dogs. Jim and Pat also had a good time. Lots of fun as always.
After racing, we all went to Bill’s cookout and enjoyed beer, water, hamburgers, and hot dogs, but, most of all, the great company made even better when Dick Mahoney and Ed Haddad joined us.
Bill’s wife Pauline also joined us and we thanked them both very much.
A very enjoyable time.
The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org
DF95 racing resumes on Thursday, July 28th when the tide will be heading towards a low at 1.41 pm
Solings take to the water again next Tuesday, August 2nd when the high tide will be at noon.
Take care, and smile a lot.