Having dodged the forecasted storms and settled for a cloudy morning and a brisk wind, 11 sailors were pleased to bring their boats to the cove this morning. Judy started the races and kept score. Thank you, once again, Judy. Connie was there too to cheer on number 44 and potential new member, David Vigeant came along and sailed Jim Kelly’s boat for a while. I’ll explain later.
With the wind from the south (more or less), the start line was east-west (more or less). Paul set the course: South to the red striped and orange marks, taken to starboard then downwind to the green mark taken to port, back to the orange mark taken to port, and downwind to the line, The wind was patchy and varied so it was quite a challenge today.
We held eight races today. Of the first 5 races, Rich won 3 and was second in two. Off to a great start, but the gremlins struck and Rich was out for the last 3 races with battery/control issues but he still finished fourth overall. In third place was Kim with 4 third places, but the real contest was between Bill D and Paul.
Paul was the winner with 3 wins, 3 seconds, and 1 third place. Bill had 2 wins, 2 seconds, and one third.
We had a large number of problems today with six of the original eleven out of the last race, but the most serious event was when Pat lost control of his boat and off it sailed to Common Fence point. pat also took off by car accompanied by “Hawkeye” Jim who handed his controller to David.
After the racing, we were discussing Pat’s boat and wondering what had happened when we heard the unmistakable sound of a Fiat Abarth and Pat’s return having found the boat. He even brought back Jim. I hope Pat and Jim still had a good time today as well as the rest of us.
The full results and all the news are on our website mhbmyc.org
Owing to a family visit I won’t be able to sail on next week’s two occasions which are on Tuesday, August 2nd for Solings. High tide around noon.
And Thursday, August 4th for DF95s when the tide will be coming in to a high at 1.36 pm
Have a great weekend and lots of fun racing next week.