DF95 Jib and Main Boom Assembly

- FlySky Failsafe
- Quick read on batteries we use
- “Barging” Rules
- FlySky Control Nuances
- Waterproofing electronics
- DF95 Clinic Notes
- Racing Strategy & Tactics
- Racing Rules for Beginners
- Racing Rules 2017-2020
- FlySky Fail Safe Settings
- More DF95 Tuning Guides
- Fly Sky Dual Rate Programming
- Rob’s DF95 Clinic
- DF95 Building Instructions (with notes from Rob)
- DF95 Resources
- FlySky Radio Programming
- WorldSailing 2017-2020 Racing Rules of Sailing
- DF95 Three Masts
- DF95 Restricted Class Rules
- DF95 Rigging Instructions
- Tactical Roundings
- RC – Rules of Model Boat Racing
- Soling Setup Guide
- Soling Rudder Refit
- Soling Building Guide
Peter Feldman’s Soling Guide
Sailing-Guide-2FlySky Tx and Rx Details
WebPageCorrosion Control

Chuck LeMahieu likes Speed X for moving parts, Corrosion X for electronics like boards. Apparently Corrosion X has less of a conductive property than Speed X, thus he prefers to protect boards, chips and plug connections with Corrosion X.
The photos show in good detail how to try to protect the vulnerable sail servo in the DF95. You need very small screwdrivers to take it apart, but it can be done.
I think the silicone around the seam in the outer box and the wire exit is a good idea.
DF95 Tuning Guide