DF95 racing #11. August 15, 2024

The tide had turned just before 10 so there was lots of beach at the cove this morning. The sun was shining and the sky had a grey tint, courtesy of the Canadian wildfire smoke invading our upper atmosphere. The wind was light but strengthening from the southwest and Paul set the course: from the start line formed by the drone buoy and blue/orange, head south around the green/white mark, the orange/white mark, then north to the blue mark and back to the line. All marks were taken to port. This was the course for the first four races when we switched to twice around as the wind had strengthened. We held eight races and had seven participants. It should have been eight but Rob’s boat had a rudder servo problem and he couldn’t race today. Wes had his boat in the water and coincidentally was talking to Rob about “failsafe”  when his boat took off and sailed off south down the Sakonnet. The boat was switched off so failsafe couldn’t have worked. Lesson: If your boat is in the water it should be switched on. Wes had a very long row to recover his boat but finally, he returned to shore and racing could get started. Well rowed, Wes.

Judy kept score and Connie took some pictures. Thank you both very much. Bill Raposa paid the DF95 crowd a visit and just might get a DF95 in the water next season.

Judy suggested we follow the example of the Olympics and stop calling our breaks, “Water Breaks” so from now on the club will move upmarket and have “Hydration Breaks” instead, 

Now to the racing. we had four different race winners today, Bill David won two, Paul and Kim won one each, but John Reilly won the remaining four to put him in an unassailable position and, of course, he was the champion today. By the way, he also finished second three times.

In addition to his two wins, Bill David had two second places and one third place to become this morning’s runner-up.

Kim and Fokka finished level on points but Kim got third place by reason of his win in the tiebreak.

Paul suffered a rare boat failure when having finished third in race five he could not take part in any more races., The reason was a most unusual incident. His backstay anchor was torn out of his boat when a fragment of plastic broke away from the hull. Repair or replace will be the question.

The “most consistent” award must go to Al who finished sixth in the first four races and fifth in the last three!  Well raced everyone. 

Good racing today and a lot of fun.

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

DF95s will race again next Thursday, August 22ndwhen the tide will be very high at 10.45

But, before then, have a great weekend, and keep smiling.


Soling Regatta. #2

It was a pleasant morning with lower temperatures and less humidity than recently. The moderate wind was from the northwest and the course was from a line parallel to the shore, west to the red mark, then northeast to the red/green mark, both taken to starboard, then the pin at the end of the line to starboard, back to the red mark taken to port and back to the line. After the third race, the course was modified: Red as before but out to the blue, then to the orange/blue taken to port and downwind to the finish

Seven members brought boats and twelve races were run. Scoring was rather difficult until I had a bad case of “rudder shudder” in race five. It was rather disappointing that no members volunteered to help but we managed and had an enjoyable time. Pat Donovan came down to the cove but without his boat. Good to see you, Pat.  

Apart from my rudder servo problem, one other issue was when Greg lost control of his boat in race six and he had a long walk along the shore to rescue it. Low boat voltage was the cause. Greg said,” Lesson learned”.

Jim Kelly had a connectivity issue in his boat and missed race nine. 

There were two front runners today and you only have to look at who the race winners were to see that this was a very close contest: Paul, Kim, Kim, Paul, Paul, Kim, Paul, Kim. At this point, we had another winner, Bill Northup but Paul won the last three races to carry the day, but only by ONE POINT over Kim.

Congratulations and thanks for some close racing.

Bill Northup finished third ahead of Bill Raposa.

Another nice day with sun, fresh air, and friends. 

The full results can be found on our website. mhbmyc.org

Solings will have another chance at Regatta number three on Tuesday, September 3rd. Mark the date.

DF95s don’t have to wait as long, just until Thursdaywhen the tide will be coming in from a low at 09.48.

See you then,


DF95 #10. August 8, 2024

Unlike last Thursday, the tide was high at around 11.30 so the hope was for minimal weed this time.

Paul had prepared a new version of the marker buoy and a small group met earlier in the morning to finish and deploy them, We are grateful to Paul, Bill David, and Bill Reposa who did all the rowing and mark placement. Thank you all very much. We added a green/white mark west of the southerly orange/white mark to provide an offset and a red mark between the new green/white mark and the old orange/blue mark, but further offshore. In addition, we placed a new pin to be used as a starting mark in conjunction with the drone buoy. The black/white ball was moved to a position between the northerly blue mark and the shore.

Confused? Don’t be. As soon as I find my colored pencils I’ll send you the new layout which has increased our flexibility for course choice.

The wind was unusual as it was nominally from the east but today it was hither and thither, from here and there, and came and went. Challenging!

Paul determined the course: north to the red/green mark, south around the green/white and the orange/white, and back to the line with all marks taken to port.

From the third race, the wind had strengthened and the course was lengthened by making the blue the northern mark. At race six we went back to the shorter course.

Seven races were run and ten members competed today. Rich came along but is still waiting for parts to be delivered. Pat also put in a welcome appearance and is working on his Soling for next Tuesday.

Fokka won the first and the fifth race and had two second places and one third to become today’s champion. 

Only two points behind, Paul was second today with one win, two seconds, and one third.

Bill David was another two race winner and finished tied on points with Nick. but Bill got the third place through the tiebreaker.

We had two other race winners today: Al and Wes. Very well done everybody.

There were only a couple of incidents to report. The first occurred in race three when Greg’s boat got stuck on a mark and he had to row to the rescue and the other, more serious, was when Ross slipped in the water and cut his knee. His only consolation was being assisted by three ladies, Shelley who was here to support Bill Northup, Connie who was here to support Al and who had some Band-Aids, and Judy who did her usual excellent job of starting and scoring. Thank you all. 

By the way, I found my pencils so the new layout is attached. Not to scale and please give me all the artistic license I need.

Lots of fun despite the quirkiness of the weather

The full results may be found on our website mhbmyc.org

DF95 racing continues next Thursday, August 15th when the tide will be coming in from a low at 9.48.

But before then, next Tuesday, August 13th we’ll be holding our second Soling Regatta, open to all. Bring your Solings, your lunch, and a chair. There is no fee, only fun starting at 11.00. The tide will be coming in to a high at 3 pm. We will need volunteers as Race Director and Scorer. 

Keep smiling and have a wonderful weekend,


DF95. #9. August 1, 2024

The hot and humid trend continued as 12 members with boats made their way to the cove this morning. Among them were rare visitor, Greg LaPlante, and new member Wes Siegner who spectated last week, decided to build a boat and was here to race today. His boat will sail with sail number 26. Welcome back, Greg, and welcome Wes. 

The tide was at a low at about 11.30 so there was lots of space to spread out on the beach. Paul took advantage of this and brought his wife and grandchildren. The youngsters had a terrific time.

Paul had also brought his new and impressive buoys but we needed a strong chain cutter to finish the job. Wilkie will get the chain cut to length ready for next Thursday.

Apart from Wilkie other boatless members were Bill Raposa and me. Judy and Connie were there to take care of the starting and scoring once again. thank you both very much. 

The wind was from the southwest and Paul positioned the Drone-Buoy to form a starting line with the brown/blue mark. the course was south to the brown mark, north to the blue mark, and back to the line. All port rounding. The quirky wind and the random acts of weed collection made for some mixed races, just a bit of frustration but lots of interest.

We ran six races and had five different winners: Fokka, Greg, Bill David, John, and, our only twice winner, Nick.

Reflecting the race conditions, we also had five different second-place finishers: Rob, Wes, Bill D, Paul, and, twice, John.

Bill D also had a couple of third-place finishes, enough for Bill to become our Champion today.

In second place was John, just two points ahead of Paul who was third and just two points ahead of Fokka.

 The full results and all the other news are on our website mhbmyc.org

DF95s race again next Thursday, August 8th when the tide will be a high at 11.32

Keep smiling, stay cool and have a wonderful weekend,


DF95 #8 July 25, 2024

This morning was misty and muggy, with temperatures in the mid-seventies, winds vaguely from the southwest, and a high tide at noon. With the club meeting being held this afternoon, I hoped for a good turnout and I wasn’t disappointed as eleven members brought their boats determined to race. We held seven races over a course that took the boats south to the red mark, then north to the other red mark, and back to the line with all the marks left to port.

The first variation was to run this course twice around. The next variation was to lengthen the course to substitute the red northern mark with the blue northern mark. This variation was run once and twice around. The result was some very close racing.

It was good to see Jim Pascalides making a rare appearance and good to meet Wes who had come to observe activities and left probably wanting to build a boat. Jim Pascalides will send him some information.

Bill Raposa and Wilkie came to lend support and Judy, Connie, and Shelley not only cheered their husbands on but took charge of scoring. Thank you all very much.

Kim had news of our starter which spent some time on Tuesday in the rain. It didn’t work!

Luckily Paul had a small portable starter with him. Thanks for the rescue, Paul.

In race one, John’s boat suffered from a flat battery and he had to row out and rescue it.

Bill David’s boat succumbed to the same fate in the last two races but without the rescue.

Jim Kelly decided to sit out the final four races. Those were the only “incidents” today with the bulk of the fleet remaining in good shape.

Jim Pascalides won the first race and two more and these wins added to two second places and one third place was just enough to beat Fokka, who had two wins, three second places, and one third place, by just one point

Rob Hill also won a race today and, with two second and two third places, finished third overall. 

The only other winner was Paul who was fourth today followed by Nick and Kim.

Al and Bill Northup were not among the winners today, but they had a lot of fun like everybody else.

The full results are on our website, mhbmyc.org

DF95s race again next Thursday, August 1st when the tide will be the opposite of today, reaching a low at 11.23.

Notes from today’s meeting will be sent out later today.

Whatever you’re doing this weekend, have fun,


Soling Regatta, July 23, 2024

The early morning rain stopped around 7.30 but it remained cloudy and cooler than recent days. There was drizzle in the air but it progressed to rain later in the morning. By the time we had finished the first six races and were having lunch, it started raining again, this time heavily and we abandoned the event at this point.

The wind was from the northeast and was light but adequate. The course was relatively short: NW to the red mark, NE to the blue mark, both taken to starboard, then south downwind to the line.

As you know the Soling fleet has been depleted in recent years but six members made it down to the waterfront today. Al Sampson doesn’t have a Soling but he volunteered to help and did a sterling job starting the races and keeping score. Many thanks, Al. 

Ross Hudson put in an appearance to practice with the DF95 that is on loan from Paul.

Kim’s boat tried to escape during the pre-start practice session and sailed away rapidly off-shore. Kim rowed out quite a long distance to rescue it. Very impressive, Kim!  With the aid of a new battery and a temporary repair to the vang, Kim was ready for the first race. I also had a problem when water got in my boat and everything stopped working. I transferred the rig to a spare boat, but by this time the sixth race was underway, and that turned out to be the final race.

Paul won three races and was second in two more to become today’s champion.

Jim Kelly, sailing Sizzlin’ borrowed from Dick Mahoney. and formerly owned by Ed Haddad, won two races and was second in one.

Bill Raposa was the only other race winner today. He also had one second and three third places to tie with Jim on points. Jim gets second place with the most wins in the tiebreak

Kim, with his slightly wounded boat, had two second and two third places.

At lunch, we got into discussing the good old Soling days when we regularly got 12 to 14 participants. Bill had a list of names of members who sailed Solings in 2019. A long list. How times have changed

The full results can be found on our website mhbmyc.org along with all the other club news.

DF95 racing resumes next Thursdaywhen the tide will be at noon.

Next Thursday is also the date of our club meeting.

1.15 pm at the Sakonnet River Grille on Main Road, Tiverton.

I’ll send an agenda tomorrow 

They are sorry but they can’t do separate checks so please bring cash for your lunch. Kim has kindly agreed to co-ordinate the money side.

See you Thursday,


DF95 #7 July 18, 2024

A partly sunny morning with a light breeze from the WNW greeted eight members with their boats. It was still hot, in the eighties, and still humid but the breeze helped. Regular sailors, Kim and Paul, weren’t there so Nick rowed out and positioned the starting line parallel to the beach and a new red mark to the west. Many thanks, Nick. The course was to sail west from the line, round the new red mark, taking it to port, then back through the line and round either starting mark and head back to the new red mark once more, and then finish downwind.

We welcomed a new member, Fokka de Jong, sail number 93, and were thankful that, once again, Judy kept score for us. Thank you, Judy.  Wilkie was one of the eight who came to race today but didn’t manage to get the boat working and retired for the day. As he didn’t race today, he’s absent from the score sheet but it was good to see him. Better luck next Thursday, Wilkie.

We held nine races and John Reilly won five of them and was our champion today.

With two wins, two seconds, and four thirds, Bill David was second overall this morning.

Fokka had four second place finishes and finally had a win in the final race, enough to give him third place today but he was only one point ahead of Henry who had one win and three second places.

Rich had a problem with a loose keel and water in the boat so he retired for the day after the third race. Al Sampson was sixth after Nick. I think both had fun but it just wasn’t quite their day.

Some sad news about Betty the dog who usually came down to the beach while we were racing and was a sort of club mascot, died on June 24th. Her owner, Jake came down to the beach today and introduced his new dog, Birdie who, I’m sure, we’ll all get to know.

It was an unusual wind direction and an unusual course, but we had some close racing and it was fun. Well done, everyone.

The full results may be found on our website mhbmyc.org

More DF95 racing next Thursday, July 25th when the tide will be high at noon.

Following racing we will hold a club meeting at The Sakonnet Grille Restaurant, 524 Main Road, Tiverton at1.15 pm for lunch and discussion.

But before that, on Tuesday, July 23rd we will hold the first Soling Regatta of the season.

Let’s have a great turnout!  Remember to bring chairs and lunch.

If you are not racing, please consider coming along to help run the races and keep score

In the meantime have a great weekend, see you Tuesday to race, or help.


DF95 Racing 7/11/2024

The early morning weather was dull and dismal, humid and horrible, and continued the same way most of the morning. Paul had suggested that we shouldn’t use the drone buoy owing to high winds so he arrived early to make other start-line arrangements. Kim and I joined him but he already had a starting mark in the water. Thanks and well done, Paul.

The weather dissuaded some members and only five turned up to race and so they did for six races.

 With a SSW wind, the course was south to the green mark, north to the blue, and back to the line. From the second race, the upwind leg was shortened to the orange mark, but twice around. All marks were taken to port. 

Henry won the first five races and was only prevented from having a clean sweep by John Reilly who won the final race and gathered enough points (three second places) to finish second overall today.

Kim was in third place after a tie-breaker with Paul despite having a DNF when his boat and Paul’s got tangled in the fifth race and then he couldn’t start the sixth. Paul rowed out to the rescue. The final place went to Nick who had borrowed his son’s boat, and ran into a problem in the second race. He had to row out to rescue the boat and couldn’t get it repaired until the fourth race.

Before racing started we welcomed new member Ross Hudson who will be using Paul’s boat, sail number 316, on loan. Welcome, Ross.

All the news and the full results may be seen on our website mhbmyc.org

The next opportunity to race DF95s will be next Thursday, July 18th when the tide will be at a low at 11.15

Have a great weekend,


DF95 racing June 27, 2024

The overnight rainstorm had cleared by 07.00 and was replaced by a mixture of sun and clouds with temperatures in the seventies and still quite humid. The wind was from the southwest and the tide was coming in towards a high shortly after 1 pm.

There were 10 boats in the water ready for this morning’s contest and Judy looked after starting and scoring. Thank you for another excellent job, Judy. Connie and Shelley were on the shore to support Al and Bill N.and Connie took some pictures.

The course was from the Drone Buoy and brown mark starting line, south to the green, then north to the blue, once around for the first race and twice around thereafter. All marks taken to port.

Nick won the first race but it was not his lucky day. He didn’t start the third race as his jib was hitting his mask, then, in the fourth race, his boat got tangled with Bill Northup’s and he had to row out to rescue them.

Kim won the next two races and had one third place to finish fourth overall. 

Races 4 and 5 were both won by John Reilly and that together with a second place and two third places was enough for him to become today’s champion, The sixth and final race was won by Jim Kelly who was also second in race five but missed the first two races. Good to see you back, Jim.

Unusually, Bill David didn’t win a race today but he did score enough points with two seconds and two thirds to finish second in today’s standings. In third place was Rich with one second and a third.

Paul did not have his winning ways today and neither did Henry, but well done to everyone for some close competitive racing and a lot of fun.

 As always, the full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

There will be no racing next Thursday as it happens to be July 4th.🇺🇸

The next racing will take place on Thursday, July 11th when the high tide will, once again be close to 1 pm.

And remember, the first of our three Soling Regattas is planned for July 16th.

Enjoy the coming weekend and the July 4th holiday,

DF95 #4. June 20, 2024

It was hot. It was humid. It was breezy. It was a day to get some cooling water in contact with feet.

Nine members agreed and brought boats to the cove. In addition, Connie was there to support Al. Judy supported Bill, started the races, and kept score—a big thank you. Paul’s wife, Laura was also there to cheer Paul on, but mainly to supervise two grandchildren, who seemed to be having a great time.

With the wind from the SSW, the course was set: From the east-west starting line, formed by the red mark and the drone buoy, head south and round the green mark to port, head north to take the blue mark to port and back to the line, twice around.

The tide was going out towards a low at around 12.30 which necessitated a move of the drone buoy, executed faultlessly by Paul after the second race.

With an important appointment to see the England vs. Denmark game in the Euro 24 soccer tournament, I left after the third race but Nick was in fine form having won those first three races. 

In the first race, Rob and Henry got tangled together and Rob had to get some rowing exercise to rescue them. Nick won that race with Paul and Bill second and third. The second race finished in the same order and Rob recovered from the first race setback to finish fourth. Al had finished fourth in the first race. Bill was second to Nick in the third race, with John third and Rob again fourth.

I wasn’t there for the fourth race but I have the scoresheet and see that Nick won again. This was his fourth and last win in the eight races run today. The other race winners were Bill, Rob, John, and Henry.  Overall the top four were Nick, Rob, Bill, and Paul.

Kim and David had some issues today but look for them to come back stronger next week. 

Well done, everyone. Lots of fun this morning.

The full results can be found on our website mhbmyc.org

DF95s race again next Thursday, June 27th when the tide will be coming in with the high at 1.18 pm

In the meantime, enjoy the weekend,
