Another nice summer day with yet another quirky, flukey breeze saw 12 members for racing this morning. Shelley Northup took care of the starting and scoring and was assisted by Al Sampson’s wife, Connie. Thank you both very much.
Paul set the course with the line roughly east, west. all marks were taken to starboard. South from the line, round the two marks, then north to the far mark, and back to the line. We had nine races with the last race being twice around.
There were 4 race winners today. Paul won four, Nick Bailey won two, Jim Kelly won two and Kim won one.
Overall Paul came first, Nick was second, and Bill David was third.
Personal thanks to Al who rowed out and separated my boat from a buoy and to Paul who did a long-distance row to rescue our boats locked together. Just another day at the races!
The full results are on our website
More racing next Tuesday, June 28th when it will be the turn of the Solings. the tide will be heading out to a low at 1.12 pm.
The next outing for DF95s will be Thursday, June 30th when the tide will be going out from a high at 09.52.
While most members have paid their dues, some still haven’t so please get your $25 checks to Kim.
Lots of fun in the puzzling wind today
Stay safe and well, and have fun,