DF95 Series #12

It was a little cooler this morning and a little less humid. The pleasant conditions and an adequate breeze enticed 13 members and one guest to bring their boats to the cove. Manny decided not to race and did a great job keeping score, Shelley also didn’t race but got lots of practice, and John Perkins was trying out the boat he bought from Steve, but couldn’t get radio contact.  We welcomed Don Ouimette as our guest, once again. So we started proceedings with 11 boats competing. As the wind was coming mainly from a southerly direction we adopted a clockwise course with the downwind mark being the red for three races, switching to the blue as the wind changed for the last three. Rich Field got off to a great start winning the first two races. He also got two seconds and a third to finish as the highest placed club member, but the overall winner today was our guest, Don who won the last four races and had one second place and one third. Kim was third today with one second and three thirds with Rob in fourth place. In fifth place was Henry equal on points with Rob, but Rob got the place on the highest place finish rule. The full results can be found on our website mhbmyc.orgA big crowd today and lots of fun

The next DF95 race day will be next Thursday, August 5th when low tide will be at 11.33.
But, before that, we have Solings in the water on Tuesday, August 3rd when the tide will be coming in from a low at 09.48
Enjoy the weekend, see you Tuesday or Thursday or both.Derek

Soling Series #12

It was very encouraging that nine members brought Solings to the cove this morning, but it was very discouraging that there was no wind to satisfy their thirst for competition.It was good to see everyone and catch up on events and welcome back Bill and Shelley Northup and new member, John Perkins who has bought Steve’s Soling (and his DF95). Shelley brought her DF95, but there was no point in putting it into the water. Apart from Shelly, two other members without Solings were present: Manny who came down to help, and Wilkie who sailed his beautiful “Columbia 42”.  Bill Raposa spent some time in the dinghy, putting in the starting mark and then taking it out again. One other rower was John Perkins who had to fetch his boat back.  I don’t know what happened, but the red light on his transmitter was flashing.  My boat was leaking around the keel mounting, so out will come the keel again.Kim, Paul, Dan, Pat, and Jim Kelly were also there getting their boats wet……slightly!

Let’s try sailing Solings again next Tuesday, August 3rd (tide coming in from a low at 09.48) 
But on next Thursday, July 29th we have DF 95 racing (tide coming in with a high at 1.08 pm)
Stay safe and well, and have fun,Derek

DF95 Series #11

A beautiful summer’s day and a good breeze greeted the10 members and 1 racing guest who made it down to the cove for the later start time of noon. The tide was low and coming in, and the wind was from the northwest. Rob prepared quite a simple course, Head in a northerly direction from the wide start line and take the blue mark to port (not nearly so simple as it sounds), then head south, through the gate formed by the red and green marks and back to the line.We were also visited by Cam Church and John Perkins, who had visited us on Tuesday when he saw no racing. That wasn’t true of today as we held 8 races, all of them close. Dick Mahoney had to leave after 30 minutes and only competed in the first three races. Jim Kelly, Albert Meyer, and Pat Donovan were the victims of intermittent problems with their boats, and Rob got his habitual rowing practice after race three when Jim Kelly’s boat stubbornly stopped working offshore. Rich won three races and had two seconds and one third to finish in first place overall today. There were three other race winners today: Rob won two, Paul won two and Bill David won one.Rob had two second places which got him to second place today. Paul had one second and two thirds and finished third . Bill David also had one second and two thirds and that took him to fourth place. Our guest from the Newport DF 95 group, Ben Hall was fifth with Kim sixth.Close racing and good fun today.  Well done everybody.
The full results can be found on our website mhbmyc.org

The next race day will be for Solings, next Tuesday, July 27th (High tide at 11.28), and the next DF95 day will be Thursday, July 29th (High tide1.08 pm)
Have a wonderful weekend,Derek

Start Times

The DF95 Series will be changing the start time in an attempt to have a better breeze for racing. Effective July 22nd, the start time will be noon instead of 11AM.

Soling Series #11

Five members with boats arrived at the shore in very hot, humid, and still conditions.There was insufficient wind to race so Bill David, Dan McHugh, Pat Donovan, Bill Raposa, me, and Manny, who had come down to help, discussed a few topics, solved most of the world’s problems, and then went home.One resolution we did make was that this club will never give up on Soling racing.  Loud cheers!We did have a little excitement when Bill David’s boat which had been floating idly in the water started turning circles.  Bill Raposa swam out and rescued it.  It appears that there was a receiver problem.So on to Thursday when it will be DF95 racing. The tide will be going out with a low at 12.12.The next Soling sailing will be in a week’s time when we’ll face a high tide at 11.28.
Stay safe, stay well and have fun,Derek

DF95 Series #10

DF95s at the cove today. Patiently, 8 skippers waited for a breeze to show up, and it finally did with a SW at about 7 kts. Typical course with that wind direction, Rob sent the fleet to the southerly red and green buoys, taken to port and then downwind to the northern red buoy taken to port and back to the finish line. All six races used this course. Good close racing by all. Paul Mercer prevailed with 3 wins, Bill David had 2 wins and Rob Hill had 1.
Ben Hall made a return visit to sail with us and competed well until he had to leave.
Rob suggested that we consider a later start time as a way to deal with the late arriving breeze. We may try delaying the start of racing until noon. Stay tuned……

Soling Series #10

Soling Series #10 at the cove today. We were short one Soling to make an official race fleet with 6 boats; however, a visitor from Philadelphia showed up with Mel Platte’s old Soling. Chuck Lage tried to get in the water but mechanical issues kept him from racing. He was willing to be scored as a DNS for each race, so that became our 6th boat.
Light winds from E and NE from our starting line, but SW out by the red buoy at the concrete wall. Mostly the starts went East to red mark and then to either blue or southerly red mark. Several course changes were made by Bill Raposa as fleet captain as the wind shifted. Good close racing with 4 different winners in 9 races. As always, Manny kept score and managed the start/finish line. Thanks Manny.
Once again, Bill David prevailed as the daily winner. Good racing Bill.
Derek Melven returns from England tomorrow. Welcome home Derek!
See scoring below:

DF95 Series #9

DF95’s at the cove today. Only 6 skippers showed to race in a very light breeze that came and went and rotated from SE to SW. After only 3 races, we decided to abandon the racing. No official scoring was done, although Manny was there to handle that.

Soling Series #9

Only 3 Solings came to the cove to race today. We can point to several reasons why, I guess.
Instead of a scored racing event, the 3 skippers ((Bill Raposa, Bill David, and Paul Mercer) decided to race for fun. Seven races in a good breeze saw each boat win, and there were several very very close finishes. It’s sad to think this class might be discontinued at MHBMYC. More on that later………….
Soon there will be a social event for all members and spouses. That would be a good place to consider and discuss what’s happening with the Solings. 🙂😉