DF95 Racing …..Catch up day

It was a very pleasant, sunny morning with a low tide and light breeze at the cove.

But only four boats were in the water to enjoy a perfect morning of competition with a strengthening breeze from the south.

The course headed south from the East-West starting line, formed by the pin in the east and the drone buoy in the west, around the green mark leaving it to port, then north to the blue mark leaving it to port and back to the line. There were eight races and the last two were twice around.

Thanks to Judy David who, once again, operated the starter and kept score. She also enjoyed watching her husband Bill win five races becoming today’s champion.

Connie was there to cheer for Al who was third today. Paul won two races, was involved in numerous close finishes, and finished second. Kim won the first race and had a sail servo line come off the reel in the third race. he fixed it quickly but after that, it just wasn’t his day.

Rich came down to the cove without his boat as he’d forgotten to turn the boat power off. Ouch!

Pat Donovan came along just as we were leaving. Good to see you, Pat.

As always, the full results can be seen on our website mhbmyc.com

DF95s are scheduled to race next Thursday, June 6th (D-Day) but, at present, the forecast is for rain all day, in which case the makeup day will be a week from today.

A decision on Thursday racing will be communicated before 9 am on Thursday.

I think everyone had an enjoyable time today


DF95 Racing June 8th

The Canadian smoke, coolish temperature, and light breeze didn’t deter 8 sailors from bringing their boats to the cove today. Pat Donovan and I were there without boats and Judy David took care of starting and scoring. Connie Sampson was there too and took some photographs.

Thank you both.

All eight boats finished the first race, run in slow motion over a short course; Bill,

Henry, Nick, Paul, Rich, Al, David, and Albert.

The second race was equally slow and was marred by a dispute about the penalty for being over the start line early. In later discussion, we decided that, in this club, the penalty would be to round a starting mark. The top three in the second race were Nick, Henry, and Rich. 

In the third race, the course was shortened even more but only Bill managed to round the first mark.

There was one point when a group of boats approaching the mark were at a complete stop.

Judy remarked that this was “still life”…..and Connie took a picture.

At that point proceedings ended. No scoring today.

Let’s hope for better weather next week.

The next race day is for Solings, next Tuesday, June 13th when the tide will be coming in from a low at 10.19

And the following Thursday, June 15th, DF95s take their turn when the tide will be at a low at 11.36.

Don’t forget to get all the club news on our website mhbmyc.org

And a reminder to send your annual dues ($25) to Kim. Checks, please, made out to MHBMYC

Have a happy, smoke-free weekend,



Good morning all,

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and are looking forward to DF95 gifts under the Christmas tree!  

Attached you will find an outline for a 2023 DF95 New England Traveler Trophy series that Rob Hill and I have been working on over the last several weeks. The ‘regatta light’ series is loosely structured after the Texas and Florida models. Our hope is that we can encourage the region’s sailors to travel to a series of one day events to increase regional participation and earn points towards national ranking. This approach avoids the costs associated with a two day regatta requiring hotel and meal expenditures. 

Rob and I felt it was important to get this notice out now, prior to the new year as many clubs have winter meetings to set their upcoming schedules. 

Once you have reviewed the outline I would ask you to do several things: 

Provide feedback to Rob and I on the plan. Use ‘reply all’ so that we can have a regional discussion  about going forward. 

Distribute the plan to your club membership for their review and feedback

At you winter club/organization meeting, discuss dates the club is willing to host an event

The DF95 is a great boat and there is a lot of club racing here in New England. I’ve sailed with three clubs outside of my normal sailing venue here in Newport and I have to say that there are a lot of good sailors out there. Let’s try to give those sailors broader experience by sailing in different venues. 

More to come!  Looking forward to hearing from you!

Henry DiPietro

Director, DF95 Region 1

Email: df95.reg01@gmail.com

2023 Patriot Travelers Trophy
The Traveler Series
• Five, one day events spread across eastern New England running from
May to September or October
• There would be one regatta per month.
• Each regatta is a one day event, Saturday the primary with Sunday as
the rain date.
• Each regatta would have a first warning at 11 am with no race starts after
3 pm.
• The entire series would count as a single regional scoring event towards
national points ranking and would require a minimum of ten(10) boats per
event to qualify.
• The events are open to all registered DF95 skippers
• A skipper can use 4 of the five (or six) events toward national points
• Structure the series to provide a wide range of sailing experiences: fresh
& salt water, heavy and light wind venues, rural and urban settings
Organizing Authority Responsibilities
• Develop schedule based on club inputs • Develop and post NORs
• Manage event registration
• Provide prizes for podium finishes
• Manage national points standing
Host group responsibilities
• Have the club schedule and commit to a TT event • Provide location and course
• Provide a race director (optional)
• Provide a scorekeeper
• If possible, provide a chase boat
$10 entry fee to cover cost of prizes Food & beverage – BYO

Club meeting 8/25

The meeting was held after a delicious lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs prepared by Kathy Melven and Marge Fuller. Coleslaw was prepared by Pat Hanna. Many, many thanks, ladies. They received a well-deserved round of applause.

The members attending were Bill David, Henry DiPietro, Jim Fuller, Kim Hanna, Rob Hill, Jim Kelly, Wilkie Marvel, Dick Mahoney, Danny McHugh, Paul Mercer, Bill and Shelley Northup, Will Plante, Bill Raposa, Al Sampson, David Vigeant and me. Also invited were Judy David, Connie Sampson and Mary Anne Plante.

Apologies for absence had been received from Nick Bailey, Pat Donovan, Rich Field, Ed Haddad, Al Meyer and Ned Popovic.

Derek welcomed those attending. It was a good turnout and we were especially happy to see Will Plante. We thanked Will for donating his DF95 (Sail number 92) to the club.

Kim gave the treasurer’s report and said that paid membership stood at 23 and that, before paying for the lunch, our treasure chest contained $3,064.

Soling Fleet Captain, Bill Raposa said that it is a crazy year for weather disruptions and generally only 4 to 8 Solings have been racing. So, more Solings, please.

Rob Hill gave the report as DF95 Fleet Captain and said that there was generally a good DF95 turnout, typically 10 to 12.  The lack of wind this morning was disappointing and maybe we should switch to afternoon racing if the morning wind forecast looks bad, We agreed to give it a trial.

Alerts will be posted on our website mhbmyc.org

Paul proposed that we acquire more buoys so that we can put them in our racing area such that we can configure appropriate courses whatever the wind conditions  and can leave them in position for the entire season. We approved this idea. The current marks were purchased from Hamilton Marine. Rob will decide what we need and Wilkie will collect them from Hamilton as he intends to be in this area. 

Al flagged up that there is a hole in the rescue boat that needs to be repaired. Rob volunteered to add this to his list of boat projects.

Rob led the discussion on the format of the regattas. He proposed that we run six races in the morning with a short break after three and do the same in the afternoon. No entry forms and no entry fee. Just turn up. Bring your own lunch. Soft drinks will be provided by the club, possibly beer after the last race.  The low scoring method will be used with prizes for the top three places. Rob will be the Race Director for the Soling Regatta and Derek for the DF95 event.

The Soling Regatta was originally planned for September 20th, but Bill Raposa will be out of the country then. It’s unthinkable that we could hold the Soling Regatta without our Fleet Captain so we all agreed to bring it forward to Tuesday September 13th

The DF95 Regatta will be held as originally planned on Thursday, September 22nd.

Derek led the discussion concerning the Annual Awards Banquet to be held in the Village Clubhouse on Sunday, September 25th at 6.00 pm. This is a potluck event with husbands and wives of members invited. Emails to me please of what you intend to bring and Kathy will make sense of it all. Bill Raposa has been a stalwart in the preparation of the banquet, but he’ll be away so Kim and I will take on the task. The club will prepare the room and provide beer, wine, soft drinks and water.

It was decided that the existing club officers will continue in their roles at least until our kick-off meeting next spring.

Under “any other business” , Derek suggested that he bring the boards in the clubhouse lobby up to date. They run up to the date when we started to run two classes of boats, 2019. This was agreed.

Rob said that the Soling in the lobby also wanted some attention and he agreed to add it to his projects list. He was also asked if he could scrutinise Will’s boat before the club puts it up for sale. He added it to his project list!

At this point, the meeting was declared over. I think everyone left happy.

Keep smiling,


Soling 1M Series #6

The first official day of summer, rapidly warming and with a quirky, flukey breeze brought 9 members and their boats to the cove this morning.  Bill David’s wife, Judy took on the task of starting races and keeping score and Shelley Northup was there to help too. Thank you both very much. 

We started 15 minutes earlier than usual to allow for a discussion on the rules of racing as applicable at the starting line. This informative session was ably led by Paul Mercer and seemed to have had the desired effect during today’s starts. Thanks, Paul.

We, once again, had a starting line vaguely parallel with the shore. The start was out from the shore then head towards the two southerly marks, both taken to starboard, then the long run to the northerly red and blue mark also taken to starboard then back to the line.  

We ran seven races with the last race being twice around.

It was apparent from early on that the main protagonists today were Bill David, Paul Mercer, and Jim Kelly.  Jim was racing a new Vac-u-Boat again today and that was the order today. It was close with Bill D on 11 points, Paul 12, and Jim 13.

Bill D. won 3 races, Paul won two races and Jim won one,

The only other race winner today was Bill Raposa and he was sixth today although he should have gotten some recognition for rowing out quite a way to rescue Bill Northup’s and Kim’s boats which were entangled.  Danny McHugh was fourth overall.  Have a good cruise, Dan.

Kim was fifth and Bill R just beat Bill N by one point.

Pat’s and my boats had a few problems but we enjoyed the fun nevertheless.

A special mention to Bill David who grabbed the dinghy as it floated past him and was rewarded with water in his waders.

The full results and all the news are on our website mhbmyc.org

The next Soling race day will be Tuesday, June 28thwhen the tide will be going out towards a low at 1.12 pm.

Before then, next Thursday, June 23rd it’s the return of the DF95s when the tide will be coming in from a low at 09:55AM. At this point, the weather is questionable so keep an eye out for alerts by email and on the website.

It’s Summer!

Let the good times roll,

DF95 Series #5

A rather cloudy day failed to entice many members down to the shore  A temperature of 68 and a brisk breeze from the south made ideal conditions for these little boats, but only six boats raced today. I kept score and was later aided by Wilkie who retired after the first five races. Thank you, Wilkie.

There was a straightforward course this morning: South to the red and green mark and the orange mark, taken to starboard, then downwind to the red and blue mark, taken to starboard, then back to the line.

Paul Mercer won the first race, with Rich Field second and Nick Bailey third and it so happens that that was how they finished overall at the end of the twelve races.

Paul won a total of eight races and finished in second place once and had one third.

Rich had eight seconds and two thirds while Nick had two wins, two seconds, and six thirds

Others finishing in the top three places in individual races were Kim with two wins and two thirds and Jim Kelly with one second and one third.

Well done everyone. we had some close racing today, it was just a shame that there weren’t more competitors to grab a piece of the fun

The full results are on our website mhbmyc.org

reminder to get those $25 membership fees to Kim. Checks please made out to  MHBMYC.

The next outing for DF95s is next Thursday, June 23rd when the tide will be coming in from a low at 09.55.

Next Tuesday, June 21st is the next opportunity for the Solings. The tide will be coming in from a low at 08.32. 

Will Soling sailors please be there for a 10.45 discussion on the start line rules of racing?

Things were a little rough at times last Tuesday. The discussion will be led by Paul Mercer.

Have an enjoyable weekend, stay safe, well and happy, smile and have fun,


A decision has been made regarding racing on 7/6. THE SCHEDULED SOLING RACING HAS BEEN CANCELLED!
Next racing will be 7/8 with DF95s.