DF95 Racing Today …..didn’t take place

The final score was: Weather Pessimists 1, Weather Optimists 0

The Weather Optimists team members were: Nick Bailey, Bill and Judy David, Henry Di Pietro. Kim Hanna, Wilkie Marvel, Paul Mercer, David Vigeant, and me.

It was good to see everyone and we did have a moment of triumph when Paul put the club’s Drone Buoy in the water and positioned it controlled by his phone. It held station through this morning’s thunderstorm.

As the sky darkened and the thunder and lightning arrived we broke up before we had a chance to discuss a date and time for a club meeting…..next time.

Next Tuesday, May 28th we’ll try again with the Solings. The tide will be coming in with a high at 12.39 pm. I won’t even look at a weather forecast.

Whatever you’re doing this weekend, have fun and enjoy it.
