Soling Match Racing

First of all, please join me in saying a big “Thank You” to Wilkie for running this very enjoyable event and to Rob for preparing the roster.
> Sue and Steve had to withdraw from racing today because of a tummy bug Sue had.  Get better very soon, Sue. My boat had control problems early on so everyone racing me had a bye or a win.
> .
>  That left seven boats to compete today.  The breeze was from a southerly direction so the boats headed south to the black/white mark to take to port, then downwind to the northern mark with the line closed, take it to starboard, and back to the line.
> Every boat raced every other boat, and at the end of racing, Wilkie added up the wins and byes for each boat to get some provisional results.
> When I got home and while enjoying a cup of tea, I went over the sheets very carefully, and here are the final results
> 1st     Bill David               8 wins/byes
> 2nd    Paul Mercer           6
> 3rd     Kim Hanna            5           equal with
>           Pat Donovan         5
> 5th     Bill Northup           4            equal with
>           Bill Raposa           4
> 7th     Bruce Collemer    3  

> Some very close racing and usually we would have had run-offs for third and fifth places, but rain started during the very last race.  It didn’t last long, but most people had started to pack up.    

> A good time was had by all and now for the DF95 Match Races on Thursday. The tide will be going out with a low at 1.48 pm and a super wind is forecast, So with eleven boats in the water, it should be a lot of fun.
> Jim Pascalides will be running the event so don’t forget to thank Jim and Rob for preparing the roster.  Please bring lunch and a chair and please hang around after the races because there may well be some runoffs.
> Stay well and safe and happy,
> Derek