Soling Regatta, July 23, 2024

The early morning rain stopped around 7.30 but it remained cloudy and cooler than recent days. There was drizzle in the air but it progressed to rain later in the morning. By the time we had finished the first six races and were having lunch, it started raining again, this time heavily and we abandoned the event at this point.

The wind was from the northeast and was light but adequate. The course was relatively short: NW to the red mark, NE to the blue mark, both taken to starboard, then south downwind to the line.

As you know the Soling fleet has been depleted in recent years but six members made it down to the waterfront today. Al Sampson doesn’t have a Soling but he volunteered to help and did a sterling job starting the races and keeping score. Many thanks, Al. 

Ross Hudson put in an appearance to practice with the DF95 that is on loan from Paul.

Kim’s boat tried to escape during the pre-start practice session and sailed away rapidly off-shore. Kim rowed out quite a long distance to rescue it. Very impressive, Kim!  With the aid of a new battery and a temporary repair to the vang, Kim was ready for the first race. I also had a problem when water got in my boat and everything stopped working. I transferred the rig to a spare boat, but by this time the sixth race was underway, and that turned out to be the final race.

Paul won three races and was second in two more to become today’s champion.

Jim Kelly, sailing Sizzlin’ borrowed from Dick Mahoney. and formerly owned by Ed Haddad, won two races and was second in one.

Bill Raposa was the only other race winner today. He also had one second and three third places to tie with Jim on points. Jim gets second place with the most wins in the tiebreak

Kim, with his slightly wounded boat, had two second and two third places.

At lunch, we got into discussing the good old Soling days when we regularly got 12 to 14 participants. Bill had a list of names of members who sailed Solings in 2019. A long list. How times have changed

The full results can be found on our website along with all the other club news.

DF95 racing resumes next Thursdaywhen the tide will be at noon.

Next Thursday is also the date of our club meeting.

1.15 pm at the Sakonnet River Grille on Main Road, Tiverton.

I’ll send an agenda tomorrow 

They are sorry but they can’t do separate checks so please bring cash for your lunch. Kim has kindly agreed to co-ordinate the money side.

See you Thursday,
