Annual DF95 Regatta

The day started much cooler than in recent days and the temperature didn’t get much above seventy. The tide was fully out at 10.30 so we had lots of beach to run around on to keep warm, and, of course, the heat of the competition helped as well. The brisk wind was from the northeast, not our favorite direction. But the wind faded, then developed its own quirky little habits to cause frustration here and there throughout the twelve races held today.

Twelve boats took to the water for the event. The course was north from the start line, which was formed by the new yellow/red mark and the orange/blue mark, around the blue, then around the red mark(which is now mostly white), south to the green/white and orange/white marks, all taken to port and back to the line. For the twelfth and final race, this course was run twice around.

Judy and Connie were there, Judy kept score and Connie took some photographs.

Thank you both very much. 

Rich came over but without his boat which has a few problems and it was a pleasure to welcome Fokka’s wife who visited us for the first time.

We held six races before lunch and six after, and, amazingly, we only had one DNfF when Rob needed a battery replacement in race 4. We did have several recalls as boats got tangled at the start line. A little more discipline please, sailors.

A guest from yesteryear, Ben Wilkinson, arrived for race two and proceeded to win four races and was third in race six. Luckily for everyone else, he didn’t return after the lunch break.

There were four other race winners today. Fokka won four and was second in one and third in two to give him the Championship today with 26 points

Nick won two races and was second three times to give him second place with 34 points.

Bill David and John won one race each but third overall today was Rob who had four second places and two third places.

Bill David and Henry tied for fourth place, but Bill got the place on the tiebreak.

A lot of fun and close racing today, just as we like it.

Kim told me after the race that someone had left a red folding chair at the cove. If this is yours, it’s under the rowboat.

The full results of this exciting day’s racing can be found on our website

The final chance of the season to race Solings will be next Tuesday, September 3rd when the tide will be going out from a high at around 09.00T

This is the Soling Regatta, at least 6 races before lunch and another 6 after lunch. So please bring your lunch and a chair. Let’s dust off the Solings and bring them down for some fun.

Volunteers to help will be welcomed!

DF95s race again next Thursday, September 5th when the tide will be high at 10.17.


The Awards Banquet will be on Sunday, September 22nd at 6 pm in the Village Clubhouse. Please let me know if you cannot make it and I’ll assume everyone else will.

Thursday, September 26th is the day we chose to pull the marks and store the rowboat. Rob will lead the effort but we need volunteers, please.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend,
