These are the notes I took at the meeting held in the Billiards Room in the Clubhouse of the Village on Mount Hope Bay at 1.30 pm on Thursday, August 12th.
In attendance were Bruce Collemer, Bill David, Pat Donovan, Rich Field, Kim Hanna, Rob Hill, Jim Kelly, Manny Kyriakakis, Paul Mercer, Albert Meyer, Bill & Shelley Northup, Will Plante, Bill Raposa, and me.
Apologies for absence were received from Dick Mahoney, Wilkie Marvel, and Ned Popovic
We started with a lunch of delicious sandwiches from Clements accompanied by some equally delicious potato salad and coleslaw from Lees. We finished the meal with some of Kathy’s (my wife’s) homemade brownies. There was a round of applause for Kathy’s efforts in pulling together the elements of the lunch.
1. Derek welcomed those present and said that the season was going quite well, but he was disappointed with the relatively low attendance for Soling racing.2. The Treasurer’s report was given by Kim who stated that the current paid-up membership stands at 21 for total fees of $550. Membership is now 22 as Will paid Kim at the lunch. The Club had sold some boats kindly donated by some former members and two Soling kits. Our main expenditure this year was the purchase of new buoys etc at the beginning of the season leaving a healthy balance of $1875.3. Fleet Captain’s Report, Solings was given by Bill Raposa. We’ve been unlucky with the Tuesday weather and there’s nothing we can do about that, but we have 17 Solings on the score sheet and typically we have only had 5 to 7 turn up. We need more boats! Fleet Captain’s Report DF95 was given by Rob Hill who had taken over from Jim Pascalides mid-season. We thanked Jim for his past efforts and wished him well. The DF 95 fleet is flourishing with guest members frequently racing with us. two of these, Sam Morgan and Don Ouimette plan to join the club next season. There are 20 boats listed on the score sheets plus 3 guests and we typically get 10 to 12 boats racing. Rob said that maybe we could consider a later start, say noon or 1 pm to get better wind conditions. It was left that the Fleet Captains could call for later start times as long as plenty of notice is given.4. A report on the website was given by Paul. The website is going well and appears to be well used, but Paul strongly recommended that the club purchase two low-cost Android Tablets and the Afleet software so that other people in the club learn how to score the events. This was agreed and Kim offered to carry out this task.5. Rob led a discussion on the end of season Regattas. It was agreed that the low-key event structure we had last year would be used this year. The Regattas will be on a no-fee basis, just turn up and race, scoring will be on our usual scoresheets and results calculated by Afeet software. There will be a break for lunch and everyone should bring their own. The results will be available and the prizes will be given before everyone leaves. The prizes will be the usual glasses.Rob offered to run both regattas and this offer was gratefully accepted.The regatta dates are listed on this season’s schedule. See if you’ve mislaid your copy.6. Banquet tasks. The Great Room in the clubhouse has been reserved for Sunday, September 19th at 6.30 pm.This is a pot-luck get-together to which wives, husbands, and significant others are invited. We ask each member to bring some food, but beer, wine, and soft drinks will be provided by the club.Bill Raposa “volunteered” to be in charge of getting the beverages, and getting tablecloths, paper plates, cutlery, glasses, and trash bags. Thank you, Bill.Rob will once again take care of getting prizes. Thanks, Rob.Manny will look after providing coolers and ice. Thanks, Manny. Then we’re all responsible for providing food and, just so we don’t get too much of one thing and too little of another, I’ve asked Kathy if she will co-ordinate the effort.She will and her email is Please let her know what you are planning to bring.7. Election of Officers. Steve Morganstern has resigned as Secretary. It was agreed that we continue without a Secretary at this present time.All other officers are willing to continue for another season and there were no opponents,8. Any other business. Bill Raposa brought up the subject of end of season, pulling of marks, storing the box and boat, etc. As we most likely will continue to race past the official season end, it was agreed to leave the dates and decisions until later.Thank you all for attending,Derek