The hot and very humid weather couldn’t deter 12 members from going down to the cove today, 11 racers and Shelley who kindly kept score. Many thanks, Shelley. The wind was not as strong as advertised, but good enough to propel our boats for a total of eight races. The wind was from a southerly direction and rob set the course: south to the green mark taken to starboard, then north with the line open to the red mark, taken to port, then back to the line. We welcomed, once again, Don Ouimette from the Housatonic Club as our guest and he showed us how it’s done by winning 4 races, finishing second in 2 and third in another to have the overall win today. In second place today was Rich with 3 wins, 2 seconds, and 2 thirds. The only other race winner today was Paul who also had 2 second places and 2 thirds so Paul finished third overall. Rob was fourth and Kim was fifth. There was a lot of close racing today and lots of fun. The full results are on our website
DF95s do battle again next Thursday, August 19th when the tide will be almost fully out.
But, before that, the elegant Solings take to the water on Tuesday, August 17th when the tide will be coming in from a low at 08.50. So get those dust covers off the Solings and go racing.
Stay safe and well and have fun