A beautiful spring morning to get our Soling race series going. 7 members were tempted to go to the cove today with only 5 racing boats. Manny managed the scoring and Rob adjusted the marks.As things turned out we only managed two races in what was one of the highest wind conditions we’ve seen at the cove. In the first race, Bill David came first with Paul second and Danny third (Welcome back, Danny). Kim was fourth and I was in full control of the rear.In the second race, Paul was first with Bill D second and I was third. Kim and Danny both registered DNFs and my sail servo failed after I crossed the line. Many personal thanks to Bill David who waded out to retrieve my boat and to Bill and Manny who helped in all sorts of ways.That was the end of racing for the day, the conditions winning out.Now we must put our damaged boats back together ready for the next Soling race day on May 18 at 11.00 when the tide will be coming in with a high at 1.43 pm.But before that, we have our first DF95 race day next Thursday, May 13 with Rob’s clinic at 10.00and racing at 11.00.
Don’t forget to visit mhbmyc.org for all the latest news.Stay safe,Derek