Awards Banquet

 A large group attended the Awards Banquet yesterday evening to enjoy good food and good company and to recognize the winners of the season. Everyone, I think, had a very enjoyable time.

The Soling race series had been dogged by poor weather and poor attendance. Only 5 days were used for actual racing and the maximum attendance was seven. 

Awards for the Soling race series were won by:

1 Bill David

2 Kim Hanna

3 Paul Mercer

The DF95 series was a different matter. We held races on 13 days throughout the season and on three occasions we had eleven boats competing. The top three awards were made to:

1 Henry DiPietro

2 Paul Mercer

3 Nick Bailey

Henry and Nick were overseas messing about in real boats and Kim is safeguarding their awards.

Awards for the DF95 Regatta were made to:

1 Paul Mercer

2 Bill David

3 Kim Hanna

And last, but by no means least, was the presentation of The Corinthian Trophy and the winner for 2023  is Jim Kelly for his unending helpfulness to whoever needs it. Well earned, Jim.

That’s not quite the end of the season as we have the weather delayed Soling Regatta tomorrow. Let’s have a good turnout. The weather forecast is great.

The full results of the season are attached…..just the Soling Regatta to come.

See you tomorrow?
